Chanel is a popular social media personality from Nigeria. To say that Shore Thang is an international model management company is obvious. We count among our talent beauties from the US, UK, Canada, Europe, Australia, and South America. Chanel LaCroix, from Nigeria, is our first model exclusively from the African continent (Ellie The Empress is African-American and Heaven is half-South African on her dad’s side). Nigeria is her home country and Chanel is the most physically impressive model we have yet had the pleasure of working with. Chanel is delightfully ambitious and would like to one day be the most popular Shore Thang model across social media. Chanel worked hard on her Instagram and TikTok, which she grew organically on her own (just like her completely impressive chest). Chanel first signed with Shore Thang in April 2023, but generally works at her own pace. After three months collaborating on exclusive content, she took a break and this month, Chanel is back! See More: Chanel LaCroix exclusive content Chanel LaCroix is a spectacular social media personality from Nigeria One of the reason Shore Thang prefers working with first-time talent is so we can teach them content our way. Very often, in a […]
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